Corporate intranet helps remote working

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It is very important to protect your mental health

We need to remember that crises, hard times and traumas are a part of life to protect our mental health from the psychological and behavioral negativity corona virus caused. Being home all the time during this process, our movements and free areas being restricted and limited social life can affect our motivation. Less communication and more social-physical distance thus our touching, hugging needs not being satisfied can make us more depressed and furious.

Feel like a part of the team

During this process, people miss their colleagues with who they worked together and spent most of their times. Being included in a group, maintaining our objectives and daily routines will help us overcome these days easily. According to the psychologist Gregory Walton, feeling like a part of the team helps us overcome obstacles and increases our motivation. Executing our daily routing with being a part of the team will increase the team spirit and our motivation even if we are physically apart. On the base of teamwork, qualitative unity is essential, not quantitative unity. Our strong work relations, unities, sense of belonging give meaning to our lives and help us easily overcome this process we are going through.

Strengthen your Communication!

We are in need of technological platforms that will strengthen our communication with our work and colleagues, helps us maintain our daily routine and increase our productivity. It will be possible to strengthen the feeling of belonging, reach our goals and increase our productivity with the corporate intranet application. It is possible to share posts with our workers without disrupting our routine, share announcements and development-oriented trainings instantly, celebrate special days and many other activities with the corporate intranet portal. Corporate intranet helps to share and increase motivation of workers even if they are apart. Being a part of the team makes a person stronger during hard time. Coming together with our colleagues that share the same feeling, thoughts and goals with us without disrupting our daily routine will help us overcome these hard days easier. Like Henry Ford once said: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Meet our intranet portal Velocity that brings your communication process together on a center, that increases your motivation and communication!